Monday, September 24, 2018

Formation on” Ignatian Pedagogy” By Fr Alvin Ho, SJ

LIKAS – 92 participants comprising of Sunday School teachers/religious educators, RCIA, CIC, Kids of the Kingdom facilitators, as well as the special ministry group attended the formation on Ignatian Pedagogy, held in St. Simon Likas parish hall on 14th – 16th Sept. 2018.   Fr. Alvin Ho, SJ from the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur was invited to facilitate this formation organised by Kota Kinabalu Archdiocesan Catechetical Commission.  An educator by background, as well as a trained catechist and a Jesuit priest rooted in Ignatian spirituality, Fr. Alvin Ho, SJ is an expert in this field.  He is also the immediate past chairperson of the Malaysian Catechetical Commission. 

This formation was targeted for the English-speaking in the K.K. Archdiocese who are involved in the catechetical ministry in giving catechesis to the young. Fr. Alvin reminded the participants that to serve as catechists is not a part time hobby, but to fully dedicate oneself to this ministry. The goal is to help learners to attain the end for which they were created: knowledge and love of God, and salvation. The elements of the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm helped the participants to consider the context (what needs to be known about the learners), experience of the learners (to engage the learners by relating to their experience) and to guide them to reflection and to move beyond knowledge to action.    

After the inputs given, participants were put into small group discussions on how to apply the steps given by the speaker.  The participants were very enthusiastic, happy, inspired, motivated and encouraged in learning the new skills and methods of teaching even though it was difficult to apply in the beginning, but after more sessions of discussion and clarification from the speaker, the participants were more enlightened and challenged to apply this method in their weekly catechism classes.  Some participants expressed that there were still so many things they need to learn, and that Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm is very complex. Other remarks from them are: “We need more refresher course or workshop such as this”, “This formation is very useful in order to mould us Catechists to better improve our ways of guiding and approach when it comes to dealing with children of God”, “The training program is very useful for me. Now I have confidence to prepare my lesson”.  “The examples given by Fr. Alvin from his personal teaching experience were very helpful”. The feedback from the survey forms showed an overwhelming response where 90% found the programme met their expectation and useful for their application in their classes.   

Participants were mainly from the parishes of Sacred Heart Cathedral, St. Simon Likas, Stella Maris Tg. Aru, Blessed Sacrament Labuan and St. Michael Penampang with 1 each from St.John Tuaran and Holy Family Telipok. Of special note is the Chinese speaking from Sacred Heart who joined in the training. There will be on going follow up for this group in the future. 

The organising team was led by Ms Magdalene Chu with team members from St. Simon Likas and Sacred Heart Cathedral, K.K.  

Malaysian Catechetical Commission Meeting 2018

Malaysian Catechetical Commission Meeting 2018

SIBU – There were many catechetical issues were discussed in the recent Malaysian Catechetical Commission (MCC) Meeting held at the Catholic Diocesan Centre in Sibu, Sarawak from Monday 27th August to Thursday 30th August 2018.

Fr Alvin Ho SJ, Chairman of MCC led the meeting.  Twenty delegates from all arch/dioceses including the delegates from Brunei Vicariate attended this meeting. There were 10 priests including Most Revd Julian Leow, Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur Archdiocese and Rt Revd Datuk Cornelius Piong, Bishop of Keningau Diocese, and 10 Religious Sisters and lay leaders. The Diocese of Melaka-Johor Sent its apology for not able to send its delegates to this year’s meeting. 

                The Catechetical Commission plays a very crucial role in the church as it is the pulse and the very life of the church. In Catechetical Ministry, one of the many activities is to prepare our young Catholics for the reception of Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Confession, Confirmation and also spiritual preparations for our children and teenagers to meet the challenges of the world later. Without the passionate guidance from the catechists to teach and share the Catholic Faith to these children and teenagers, these students could not be prepared well and to be strong in their faith, as expected. Therefore with this concern, formation of catechists to care for their students are so important.

                The meeting discussed numerous topics related to Catechetical Ministry at the arch/diocesan level as well as at national level:

1)      The topic on formation and training for all those involved in catechesis especially for catechists to deliver effective lessons is on of the many topics of our discussion. This includes formations and training for catechists and/or facilitators of Christian Adult Initiation (CIA) team, Joyful Weekend Gathering (JWG) / Religious Education (RE) Classes, catechists to conduct Communion Service in the absence of priests, and sponsors/godparents of candidates for the reception of sacraments. We also discussed how On-line Courses could help to update the Catechists.

2)      Materials and catechetical books for JWG / RE need to be updated and improved by preparing supplementary materials to replace the existing ones. The meeting also discussed the necessity to have sufficient resources for the Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) to respond to the needs of the candidates in the whole arch/dioceses. We also had a discussion on Rites of RCIA.

3)      The theme for 2019 Catechetical Sunday is “Christ, Our Mission” (Phil 1:21). A reflection paper for this theme would be prepared by Most Revd Julian Leow; together with this reflection paper, various suggestions of activities for this celebration would be distributed to each arch/diocese by November 2018. The theme chosen is in line with the Church’s focus on Mission and Evangelisation.

4)      At this meeting, we also discussed on the management of the National Catechetical Office (NCO) in Kuala Lumpur. At this interim period, Dr Stephen Selvaraju was entrust to monitor on the staff employed by Malaysia Catechetical Commission (MCC) for NCO.

5)      All the eight  arch/dioceses and the Vicariate of Brunei reported on their catechetical events, activities, programmes and plans.

6)      At the end of the four-day meeting,  the members elected a team of office bearers for the term 2019-2021. The result of this election is as follows:

Chairman                             :               Fr Nicholas Stephen (Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese)

Vice Chairman                   :               Fr Mark Michael (Penang Diocese)

Secretary                             :               Mr Frederick Empanga (Miri Diocese)

Vice Secretary                   :               Ms Stephanie Ng (Kuching Archdiocese)

The outgoing Episcopal President of the Malaysia Catechetical Commission, Rt Revd Datuk Cornelius Piong of Keningau Diocese, thanked all the MCC members for their tireless service, cooperation and friendship built throughout the term, led by Fr Alvin Ho SJ. His Lordship also heartily welcomed the incoming Episcopal President, Most Revd Julian Leow and hopes that usual closed cooperation amongst the newly elected office bearers would continue. His Lordship also congratulated the newly elected office bearers and encouraged them to serve with joy.

The outgoing MCC chairman, Fr Alvin Ho SJ, thanked the all the MCC members for their cooperation given to him during his tenure as the chairman and he congratulated the newly elected office bearers.

The newly elected chairman, Fr Nicholas Stephen expressed his gratitude for the trust given to him by all the MCC members to chair the Commission for the next three years; he hoped that with cooperation of all the MCC member, together they could implement all that would be planned.

Most Revd Julian Leow, the incoming Episcopal President, thanked the outgoing office bearers for their tireless service. His Grace emphasised on the importance of catechetical ministry in a world where faithful, especially the younger generations, are being challenged by the worldly standard and secularism. Many young people who migrated to the West Malaysia compromised their Catholic Faith due to the shallowness of  their faith.

Therefore, the archbishop said that it was a dire need to have ongoing continuous catechetical formations and trainings for catechists. His Grace emphasised that parents have to live up to their responsibility and to play their role effectively as the first catechists of their children, instead of fully relying on the catechists in the weekly Religious Education Classes There was also a need to publish spiritual books and share the resources on-line for the catechists and parents to  refer to.

The archbishop also acknowledged and appreciated the RE catechists for their time and energy. His Grace also encouraged all the catechists to continue with the good work and to engage in catechesis more creatively and effectively.

His Grace thanked all the delegates for their active participation in the meeting. The next MCC Meeting will be on 5th to 8th August 2019, and will be hosted by the Diocese of Penang.

- Sr Dariah Ajap, FSIC, MCC Member


Sibu – Banyak perkara  telah dibincangkan dalam Mesyuarat Komisi Kateketikal SeMalaysia (KKM)  yang lalu, yang  telah diadakan pada 27hb hingga 30hb Ogos 2018,  bertempat di Catholic Diocesan Centre, Sibu Sarawak.

  Pengerusi  Fr. Alvin Ho SJ,  dari Keuskupan Agung Kuala Lumpur telah  mempengerusikan  Mesyuarat ini, yang telah  dihadiri oleh 20 para perwakilan dari Keuskupan Agung Kuala Lumpur, Kuching, Kota Kinabalu; Penang, Miri, Sibu, Keningau, Sandakan dan Vikarit Brunei Darussalam kecuali keuskupan  Melaka Johor yang  telah menghantar  maafnya kerana tidak dapt menghantar wakilnya pada kali ini. 10 orang para paderi  termasuk Uskup Agung Julian  Leow  dari Keuskupan Agung Kuala Lumpur dan Uskup Cornelius Piong dari Keuskupan Keningau, dan 10 orang umat awam termasuk dua orang  religius.

Peranan Komisi Kateketikal  dalam hidup gereja amatlah penting sebab ia merupakan nadi dan hidup gereja.   Antara lain pelayanan kateketikal adalah mempersiapkan para  penerima  Sakramen Pembaptisan, Ekaristi, Tobat, Penguatan/Krisma, dan hidup komited  dan teguh dalam iman Katolik.dll.  Tanpa  katekis dan pembimbing yang mengajarkan dan mengongsikan iman kepada mereka,  maka  tidak dapat  mempersiapkan  para pelajar  dengan baik dan berkualiti/teguh dalam iman seperti yang kita semua harapkan.  Dengan keprihatinin  ini, maka pembentukan para pembimbing/katekis amatlah penting.  Mesyuarat ini telah membincangkan banyak perkara yang berkaitan dengan pelayanan kateketikal baik di peringkat keuskupan mahu pun di peringkat nasional antara lainnya :
1.       Pembentukan iman dan latihan bagi para fasilitator Inisiasi Kristian Dewasa (IKD), Pembimbing Pertemuan Minggu Gembira (PMG), para  katekis Ibadat Sabda dan para penanggung/penjamin kepada calon-calon penerima sakramen agar dapat menyampaikan katekesis mingguan dengan lebih berkesan.  Kursus-kursus “on line” juga cuba disediakan mengikut keperluan.
2.       Bahan-bahan/material dan buku-buku kateketikal  yang digunakan dalam katekesis untuk  PMG  perlu dikemaskini, penambahbaikan dengan menyediakan bahan-bahan tambahan (supplement)  untuk buku-buku yang sedia ada.  Disamping itu mesyuarat akan melihat keperluan dalam IKD untuk memenuhi keperluan di seluruh keuskupan. Upacara-upacara  dalam IKD juga telah dibincangkan.
3.       Tema Perayaan Minggu Kateketikal 2019 telah diputuskan iaitu “Kristus, Misi Kita” (Christ, Our Mission)  (Filipi 1: 21).  Renungan tentang tema ini  akan disediakan oleh Yang Mulia Uskup Agung Julian Leow. Renungan tema  dan cadangan-cadangan  aktiviti perayaan ini akan diedarkan kepada kesemua keuskupan agung/keuskupan pada bulan November 2018.  Tema ini dipilih sesuai dengan fokus  gereja sekarang lebih kepada Misi dan Penginjilan.
Mesyuarat juga telah membincangkan tentang pengurusan Pejabat Kateketikal Nasional, Kuala Lumpur, di mana Dr. Stephen Selvaraju telah diberikepercayaan untuk memantau segala pengurusan, pekerja  dan projek yang dipertanggungjawabkan oleh Komisi.

4.       Laporan dan perancangan aktiviti-aktiviti oleh 8 buah keuskupan masing-masing juga telah dibentangkan n dalam mesyuarat ini.
5.       Diakhir mesyuarat, pemilihan Ahli jawatankuasa baru telah diadakan bagi penggal 2019-2021 seperti berikut:
Pengerusi                            - Rev. Fr. Nicholas Stephen          (Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu)
Timbalan Pengerusi        - Rev. Fr. Mark Michael                  (Keuskupan Penang)
Setiausaha                          - Frederick Empanga                       (Keuskupan (Miri)
Penolong Setiausaha      - Stephanie Ng                                  (Keuskupan Agung Kuching)

Mantan Presiden Episkopal KKM, Uskup Cornelius Piong terlebih dahulu  mengucapkan berbanyak terima kasih kepada AJK lama atas pelayanan, kerjasama dan pershabatan  terjalin yang diberikan bersama  dalam KKM selama ini yang telah  diketuai oleh Rev. Fr. Alvin Ho SJ.  Uskup Cornelius Piong juga dengan gembira mengucapkan selamat datang kepada Presiden Episkopal yang baru yang akan menggantinya iaitu Yang Mulia Uskup Agung Julian Leow dan semoga kerjasa seperti ini akan diteruskan oleh ahli-ahli yang telah dipilih.  Beliau juga mengucapkan tahniah dan syabas dan selamat melayani  kepada AJK Baru yang telah dipilih.
Mantan Pengerusi Rev. Fr. Alvin Ho juga mengucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga atas  atas kerjasama yang diberikan selama ini dan mengucapkan tahniah dan selamat melayani kepada ahlijawatankuasa yang baru dipilih.  Beliau akan digantikan oleh Fr. Christopher  Wilvaraj dari Keuskupan Agung Kuala Lumpur.

Fr. Nicholas Stephen , selaku Pengerusi yang baru dipilih menyatakan rasa terima kasihnya kepada semua ahli yang telah memberi kepercayaan kepadanya untuk  mempengerusikan Komisi ini semoga dengan  kerjasama semua,  kita dapat melaksanakan apa yang telah dirancangkan.   Uskup Agung Julian Leow , Presiden Episkopal baru bagi Komisi ini, menyatakan terimakasihnya  kepada tim yang lama atas pelayanan dan kerjasa sama yang ditunjukkan dalam melaksanakan program yang telah dirancangkan.  Beliau juga menekankan kepentingan pelayanan Kateketikal dimana  banyak cabaran-cabaran dunia sekarang  melanda umat-umat, terutama generasi  baru  hari ini.  Ramai orang muda terutama dari Sabah dan Sarawak yang berhijrah ke Semenanjung Malaysia menghadapi cabaran  inam  yang kuat sehingga ada diantara mereka  telah meninggalkan agama mereka kerana iman yang lemah.
Oleh itu pentingnya pembentukan para pembimbing dan katekis yang berterusan, tanggungjawab  para ibubapa sebagai katekis utama dalam keluarga harus  dihidupi dan bukannya bergantung sepenuhnya kepada para pembimbing di sekolah minggu, perlunya  menerbitkan buku-buku  rohani dan menyediakan dan mengongsikan bahan-bahan rujukan  kerohanian secara “on line”.  Beliau juga  menghargai pelayan para pembimbing di sekolah minggu atas pengorbanan masa mereka dan menyeru  agar mereka terus melayani dan membimbing dengan penuh kreatif.
Akhir sekali, Pengerusi telah mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua ahli kerana mengambil bahagian aktif dalam mesyuarat kali ini.  Mesyuarat akan datang akan diadakah pada  5hb – 8hb Ogos 2019,  di Keuskupan P. Pinang.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Seramai 1060 Calon Baptis di seluruh Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu diterima oleh Uskup Agung John Wong dalam Upacara Pemilihan yang diadakan di Sacred Heart Cathedral jam 3.00 petang pada 18 Februari 2018 yang lalu...

Thursday, January 25, 2018


A suitable celebration of the word of God or a eucharistic celebration is the preferable occasion for celebrating the rite for the blessing of those who are appointed to serve the local Church as catechists.

The present order may be used by a priest or deacon. While maintaining the structure and chief elements of the rite, the celebrant should adapt the celebration to the circumstances of the place and the people involved.


When the community has gathered, a suitable song may be sung. After the singing, the celebrant says:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All make the sign of the cross and reply:

The celebrant greets those present in the following or other suitable words, taken mainly from sacred Scripture.

May God the Father of mercies, who wills that all be saved, be with you.

All make the following or some other suitable reply.
And with your spirit.

In the following or similar words, the celebrant briefly addresses those present, in order to prepare them for the celebration and explain the rite.

For the pastoral activity of the Church the cooperation of a great many people is needed, so that communities as well as individuals may advance to full maturity in faith and continually show forth their faith through the celebration of the liturgy, through study, and through their manner of life.

This cooperation is provided by those who devote themselves to catechesis. Enlightened by God’s word and the teaching of the Church, catechists impart to others an initiation or a deeper formation in those realities that they themselves have learned as truths to be followed in living and to be celebrated in liturgy.

In this celebration we will bless the name of the Lord for giving us such co-workers and pray that through the Holy Spirit they will receive the grace they need in their service to the Church.

A reader, another person present, or the celebrant reads either the following text of sacred Scripture or one taken preferably from the readings given in the Lectionary for Mass in Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, “For the Spread of the Gospel” or “For the Ministers of the Church”.

Brothers and sisters, listen to the words of the apostle Paul to the Romans: 10:9-15
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring tidings of peace, joy, and salvation.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved. For the scripture says, “No one who believes in him will be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same
Lord is Lord of all, enriching all who call upon him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!”

As circumstances suggest, the following responsorial psalm may be sung or said, or some other suitable song.

R.: Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the nations.

Psalm 96
Sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all you lands.
Sing to the Lord, bless his name. R./

Announce his salvation, day after day.
Tell his glory among the nations;
among all peoples, his wondrous deeds. R./

Give to the Lord, you families of nations,
give to the Lord glory and praise;
give to the Lord the glory due his name! R./

Say among the nations: The Lord is king.
He has made the world firm, not to be moved;
he governs the people with equity. R./

As circumstances suggest, the celebrant may give those present a brief explanation of the biblical text, so that they may understand through faith the meaning of the celebration.

The intercessions are then said. The celebrant introduces them and an assisting minister or one of those present announces the intentions. From the following intentions those best suited to the occasion may be used or adapted, or other intentions that apply to the particular circumstances may be composed.

The celebrant says:
Since God wills the salvation of all, let us pray to him in these words:
R.: Lord, draw all people to yourself.
R.: Lord, hear our prayer.

1.    Father, grant that all people will come to know you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. (For this we pray:)

2.    Send workers into your harvest, so that your name will be glorified among the nations. (For this we pray:)

3.    You sent the disciples of Jesus to preach the Gospel; help us to spread the victory of his cross. (For this we pray:)

4.    Make us docile to the teaching of the apostles and our lives consistent with the truths we believe. (For this we pray:)

5.    As you call us to serve you in our brothers and sisters, make us the ministers of your truth. (For this we pray:)

6.    Keep us as faithful ministers of your Church, so that, having taught others, we ourselves may be found faithful in your service. (For this we pray:)

7.    May the grace of the Holy Spirit guide our hearts and our lips, so that we may remain constant in loving and praising you. (For this we pray:)

With hands outstretched, the celebrant says the prayer of blessing.

With your fatherly blessing, Lord,
strengthen these servants of yours
in their resolve to dedicate themselves as catechists.
Grant that they will strive to share with others
what they themselves derive from pondering your word
and studying the Church's teaching.
And let them gladly join those they teach
in honoring and serving your name.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R.: Amen.


Lord God,
source of all wisdom and knowledge,
you sent your Son, Jesus Christ, to live among us
and to proclaim his message of faith, hope, and love to all nations.
In your goodness
bless our brothers and sisters
who have offered themselves as catechists for your Church.
Strengthen them with your gifts
that they may teach by word and example
the truth which comes from you.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All reply:

Facing the catechists, the celebrant concludes the rite by saying:

In Christ God has revealed his love and his truth.
May he make you witnesses to the Gospel and to the divine love.
R.: Amen.

The Lord Jesus promised to be with his Church until the end of the world.
May he give power to your actions and your words.
R.: Amen.

May the Spirit of the Lord be with you, so that you may help the ministers of his word.
R.: Amen.

Then he blesses all present.
And may almighty God bless you all, the Father, and the Son X and the Holy Spirit.
R.: Amen.

It is preferable to end the celebration with a suitable song.

If the rubrics permit, the Mass, “For the Laity,” provided in the Roman Missal in Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions, may be used, as circumstances suggest, with the readings that are provided in the Lectionary for Mass.

The homily follows the gospel reading. In it the celebrant, basing himself on the sacred text, gives an explanation of the celebration pertinent to the particular place and the people involved.

The general intercessions follow, either in the form usual at Mass or in the form given here. The celebrant concludes the general intercessions with the prayer of blessing, unless it is thought better to have the prayer of blessing at the end of Mass as a prayer over the people. From the following intentions those best suited to the occasion may be used or adapted, or other intentions that apply to the particular circumstances may be composed.

The celebrant says:
Since God wills the salvation of all, let us pray to him in these words:
R.: Lord, draw all people to yourself.
R.: Lord, hear our prayer.

1.    Father, grant that all people will come to know you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. (For this we pray:) 

2.    Send workers into your harvest, so that your name will be glorified among the nations. (For this we pray:)

3.    You sent the disciples of Jesus to preach the Gospel; help us to spread the victory of his cross. (For this we pray:)

4.    Make us docile to the teaching of the apostles and our lives consistent with the truths we believe. (For this we pray:) 

5.    As you call us to serve you in our brothers and sisters, make us the ministers of your truth. (For this we pray:)

6.    Keep us as faithful ministers of your Church, so that, having taught others, we ourselves may be found faithful in your service. (For this we pray:) 

7.    May the grace of the Holy Spirit guide our hearts and our lips, so that we may remain constant in loving and praising you. (For this we pray:)

With hands outstretched, the celebrant says the prayer of blessing.

With your fatherly blessing, Lord,
strengthen these servants of yours
in their resolve to dedicate themselves as catechists.
Grant that they will strive to share with others
what they themselves derive from pondering your word
and studying the Church’s teaching.
And let them gladly join those they teach
in honoring and serving your name.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R.: Amen.


Lord God,
source of all wisdom and knowledge,
you sent your Son, Jesus Christ, to live among us
and to proclaim his message of faith, hope, and love to all nations.
In your goodness
bless our brothers and sisters
who have offered themselves as catechists for your Church.
Strengthen them with your gifts
that they may teach by word and example
the truth which comes from you.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All reply:
Amen. .

But as an alternative, if this seems more opportune, the prayer of blessing may be used at the end of Mass after the following or some other invitation.
Bow your heads and pray for God’s blessing.
After the prayer of blessing, the celebrant always adds:

And may almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son, X and the Holy Spirit.
R.: Amen.

Taken from Book of Blessings, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville 1989