Thursday, July 26, 2012


16 September 2012
Dear Catechists and all Faith Formators,
            It’s Catechetical Sunday for the year 2012, and this year is quite special and unique as we join the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI in celebration of the Year of Faith in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Vatican II and the 20th anniversary of the formation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We can see from the Holy Father how serious ‘faith’ is to the entire People of God. His Holiness the Pope is inviting us to make the journey as Church back to its very basic, the “Faith”. Which means today, we lack this vital element in Christian Life in the midst of the fast changing and digital world. One gets distorted, confused or even loses one’s faith easily. So, what exactly is the situation today?
·         “eclipse of God”- God is no more in the picture of our lives.
·         Denial of the treasure of our faith- easily give up one’s faith for something else.
·         Loss of our deepest identity- no more Christian witnessing.
How can we handle it then? Remove the head coach, and the team collapses; break the fuel line, and the car won’t run; unplug the electrical appliance, and it has no power. Whether for leadership, power or life, connections are vital! The ‘Colossians’ is a book of connections. Connections are important even today, as we go on living out the gospel of Jesus Christ. A solid foundation in faith is needed and St. Paul exhorts us in Col. 2:7 on the importance of faith; “keep your roots deep in him, build your lives on him and become stronger in your faith”. Here St. Paul gives three images: Planted, built up and firm.
Faith Planted: like the tree, needs strong roots, and needs to be fed well. “roots”- are personal encounter and relationship with Jesus! (eg. Life of St. Therese of Lisieux, St. John M. Vianney, Mother Theresa, Blessed John Paul II) 
Faith built up: must be built in Jesus Christ just like the house that needs a solid foundation. A look into the life of Saints and Martyrs may inspire us to go back to listen and live on the word of God. Faith is certain because it is founded on the Word of God; it works “through charity” (Galatians 5:6); and continually grows through listening to the Word of God and through prayer. It is, even now, a foretaste of the joys of heaven. We need more SILENCE daily to meditate the word of God and this will make us to “respond positively to God’s call, trusting in Him and putting His word into practice”.(YOUCAT, no.21 & CCC 183-184)
Faith firm: to be firm in faith means to look seriously at our life as Christian, ‘another Christ’, to follow and to be ‘Christ’. We need life of love and commitment for Christ in order to embrace the cross of Christ and ‘witness’ Him. With faith that is ‘firm’, we will continue to say ‘YES’ to God to love and share His life.
What can we do as a community in our Parish? What can we do as Catechists/ Faith Formators  to strengthen this “connection” with Jesus Christ? How can I be “rooted” in Jesus Christ?
·         “see” and “meet” Jesus in the Eucharist (adoration) – a life giving encounter.
·         Parents as the ‘first catechist’, call for daily family prayer at the home altar.
·         Invite the teachers together with children for confessions during the month of celebration
·         Take time to visit the poor/ sick and needy
·         Quiet time , meditation and personal prayer/ devotion
·         Spiritual reading, read the Gospels, Catechism of the Catholic Church, the ‘YOUCAT’, Life of Saints and Martyrs etc.
Believe! Let’s   live out our faith and bear witness every day. You will be helping with many more souls, be it the children, youth or adults, like yourselves to find meaning and joy of life, which is born of an encounter and ‘connection’ with Christ!
Happy Catechetical Sunday!

PROPOSAL FOR CATECHETICAL SUNDAY 2012                                    


1)            Bible Verse :- “Rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught,
and overflowing with thankfulness.    Col 2:7”
2)            Objective:  to be rooted in…. the person of Jesus Christ, through
                1)            reading the Gospels prayerfully and memorizing some verses;
                2)            celebrating the Eucharist reverently
                3)            loving, understanding and accepting one another

3)            Activities proposed :-     A week or two ahead, activity to involve parents. 
a)      To have a friendly debate with parents as participants. 
Topics suggested :-
                                -  “ PARENTS ARE THE KEY CATECHISTS, TRUE/FALSE”
                                -   “EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES VERSUS CATECHISM”

4)            Class Concert: Each class will present a performance that is related to the theme. 
               Best attendance: Top boy/girl in each class, can be acknowledged here.

5)            Classroom Activity
                 5 – 6      memorising prayers:   Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, …..
                 7 – 9     Learning to dress and behave appropriately for the Eucharist. Memorise the Creed.

                10-12     Memorize  verses from the Gospels.
a)            Students are given 10 memory verses and asked to memorize them.  They will then recite in class a week later and the one who can remember all is the winner.
b)            Winner from each class competes with new set of verses against the winner from another class.
                13-16     a)            Everyone chooses, memorises and shares a scripture text that touches his/her       heart.
                                b)            Treasure Hunt using the Bible
Children are grouped. A bible verse is given and that verse will have a clue, which will lead them to the next verse. This continues till the treasure intended is found.
                7-16       Essay Writing Competition – “A SAINT AS MY HERO”
The assignment is given two / three weeks ahead. The winning essay to be read out during homily or any other appropriate time at  MASS.            
6)            DURING MASS :-
                1)            Acknowledgement of longest serving catechist.
                2)            MASS fully animated by catechist and students Eg. cantors, hospitality, readers, etc….
                3)            Prayer for the Catechist to be recited by catechists


We thank you for calling us
As your catechists
To keep the flame of Faith
Burning in our time
And to pass it on.

Give us the wisdom
To touch the hearts and minds
Of those
You have entrusted to us.

Give us humility
To pass on this gift of faith
With the love and compassion
Of Jesus himself.

Help us remember
That it is through your Son
By the power of the Holy Spirit
That these children
Will come to you.

When doubts arise
May we turn to Mary our Mother
For guidance and Inspiration

We ask this in the name of Jesus your Son.

Fr  George Harrison
Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur
22nd June, 2012



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