Thursday, March 25, 2010


“ Go into the whole the world, and preach the Gospel to the whole creation” (Mk 16:5)

In the course of the recent years, catechesis has become a fundamental action in the Church and this is seen in the renewal that it has undergone, with the enormous investment of trained person, together with the exercise of initiative and creativity. There is hope for much more in the near future. There are some basic questions to be asked with regard to the place and role of catechesis in the evangelizing mission of the Church.

The Church, sign and sacrament of Jesus Christ (LG 1), does not exist for itself, but to continue His mission on earth, and hence all activities of the church should be regarded in this evangelizing frame of reference, as Evangelii Nuntiandi declares (nos. 14 & 18). In fact, this is the “providential plan” of the Father, fully revealed in Jesus Christ and realized by the Power of the Holy Spirit (GDC 37).


It is an action of the Church which is rich in meaning, dynamic and complex. We should be satisfied with any partial or fragmentary definition. It consists in doing what Jesus did in His life. It consist in:

 Announcing the Good News, as present in the Gospel, calling to conversion, recognition of Jesus, the Lord, acceptance of the Christ, faith in Jesus, new way of life;

 Sacramental signs of participation in the mystery of Christ, the paschal Mystery, God’s grace in the Liturgy, Eucharist, sacraments, praise and thanksgiving;

 Signs of service to humanity, liberation, fraternal service and love, witness of the Kingdom of God, human promotion;

 Signs of communion, of works of the Spirit, of union in prayer, reconciliation and unity;

 The apostolate of bishops, priests, religious, laity, various ambient an situations, work and family, culture and education, world…..

The church evangelizes by its presence in the world, like Jesus Christ did, and by making known the presence of the Kingdom of God. In the fulfillment of the missionary mandate, the task of evangelization includes: proclamation, witness, teaching, celebration of sacraments, fraternal love, making of disciples of Jesus, the renewal of humanity, conversion, entrance and belonging to a community, … all this as means, ways and moments of transmitting the Gospel (GDC 46).

The agents of evangelization working with the global vision of the mission of the Church work for a new order in the world, calling all people to a conversion of heart, so that the Gospel values permeates the culture and concretizes the Kingdom of God in that place (GDC 48)


It has its proper and unique dynamism, according to the circumstance and place. Hence, the response to the particular situation and condition, determines a specific type of action with the help of the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of God’s plan and for the foundation of the Church among those who do not as yet know Christ. This process would therefore call for different stages each with their particular elements. Hence, the different stages are:

1. Catechesis as first Proclamation: A missionary action for non-believers and for those who live their religious life indifferently. This is also properly called mission ad gentes which is the central and primary evangelizing work of the Church. It is also called “new evangelization” when it concerns those who have forgotten Christ, live as though he never existed and forgotton their membership in the Church. The elements that make up this stage are: witness of life, dialogue, presence of charity, missionary preaching an conversion.

2. Catechesis as Christian Initiation: The initiatory action for those who have opted for the Gospel and for those who need to complete or modify their initiation. This could take place during the catechumenate for those who are converted to Christianity, or for those who are already baptized, but require the completion of their Christian formation. The elements that make up this kind of action are: explanation and deepening of the Gospel; fullness and complementing of the Scriptures; elementary teaching of the Christian faith; the confession of the faith complemented by the celebration of sacraments; progressive and dynamic insertion into the life of the Church.

3. Catechesis as on-going faith Formation: The pastoral action for the faithful who are already mature and within the Catholic fold. It is for those who are already baptized and participate in the Eucharistic mystery. Thy are also fervent in their faith and life radiate a Christian witness in their ambient and are aware of their commitment to the universal mission.

4. Catechesis as scholastic religious instruction: It is necessary to have a clear distinction between catechesis in an ecclesial community and the instruction fo children and young people in a scholastic context. The particular scope here is to help the individuals grow in the faith in such a way as to permeate their cultural context and other areas of knowledge by sowing the seed of the Gospel.

These moments or stages however are not unique. They mace repeated as often as in necessary, because of the interdependence among them, and also since they give ecclesial nourishment in proportion to the spiritual growth of each individual or of the entire community. Missionary action aims always for its central objectives, which is conversion of human person to God, the obedience of faith, faith in Jesus Christ and hence repentance of sins, change of heart and mentality submitting oneself to the judgment and will of God (GDC 53).


Catechesis should be situated within the frame of the global process of evangelization. The nature of catechesis should also be recognized within the pastoral and evangelizing action of the church:

 The first proclamation of the Gospel or missionary preaching for the kerygma to arouse in one faith;

 Apologetics or searching for reasons for belief;

 Catechesis;

 Experience of Christian life;

 Celebration of the sacraments and integration within the ecclesial community; and,

 Apostolic and missionary witness.

6. Catechesis in the process of evangelization (GDC, no.60-76)
Every one should read again the New Testament on the origins of the Church, following every step of its history and to see its life & activities and realize that the Church is very much deeply connected with the proclamation of the Gospel.

In the Vatican II document Evangelii Nuntiandi, it states that evangelization is the grace and vocation proper to the Church. She exists in order to bring the Good News into all strata of humanity, and through its influence transforming humanity from within and making it new (cf. EN, no. 14 & 18).

In connection with catechesis & evangelization, Catechesi Tradendae clearly states that there is no separation or opposition between catechesis and evangelization. Nor can the two be simply identified with each other. Instead, they have close links whereby they integrate and complement each other (cf. CT 18, GDC 46). Nevertheless, catechesis has its own unique ministerial characteristics:

1. First proclamation (Pre-Catechumenate): introduces Christ to non-believers and to bring back those who have strayed from God (baptized) to Christ (GDC 61-62)

2. Christian Initiation: a period where catechumens are led to deepen their faith and are prepared to live in communion with Christ and the Christian community through the Sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (GDC 63-68).

3. On-going Formation in the Faith: The Christian community is given continued catechesis that they may continue to live their faith & experience on-going conversion (GDC 69-72).

4. Religious Instruction: Sunday School (GDC 73-75)

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