Liturgy of the word
Presentation of the catechumens
After the homily, the priest in charge of the catechumens’ initiation, or a deacon, a catechist, or a representative of the community, presents the catechumens using the following or similar wards.
Reverend Father, these catechumens, N. and N., are beginning their final period of preparation and purification leading to their initiation. They have found strength in God’s grace and support in our community’s prayers and example.
Now they ask that they be recognized for the progress they have made in their spiritual formation and that they receive the assurance of our blessings and prayers as they go forth to the rites of election celebrated this afternoon (or next Sunday or specify the day) by Archbishop John Lee (Coadjutor Archbishop John Wong).
Celebrant: Those who are to be sent to the celebration of election in Christ, come forward (please stand), together with those who will be your godparents.
One by one, the catechumens are called by name. Each catechumen, accompanied by a godparent (or god parents), come forward and stands before the celebrant (stand where they are seated).
Celebrant: My dear friends, these catechumens who have been preparing for the sacraments of initiation hope that they will be found ready to participate in the rite of election and be chosen in Christ for the Easter sacraments. It is the responsibility of this community to inquire about their readiness before they are presented to the bishop.
I turn to you, godparents, for your testimony about these candidates. Have these catechumens taken their formation in the Gospel and in the Catholic way of life seriously?
Godparents: They have.
Celebrant: Have they given evidence of their conversion by the example of their lives?
Godparents: They have.
Celebrant: Do you judge them to be ready to be presented to the bishop for the rite of election?
Godparents: We do.
Celebrant: My dear catechumens, this community, gladly recommends you to the bishop, who, in the name of Christ, will call you to the Easter sacraments. May God bring to completion the good work He has begun in you.
If the signing of the Book of the Elect is to take place in the presence of the Bishop, it is omitted here. However, if the signed Book of the Elect is to be presented to the Bishop in the rite of election, the catechumens may now come forward to sign it or they should sign it after the celebration or at another time prior to the Rite of Election.
Reverend Father, I now present to you the candidates who are beginning their final preparation for reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church. They have found strength in God’s grace and support in our community’s prayers and example.
Now they ask that they be recognized for the progress they have made in their spiritual formation and that they receive the assurance of our blessings and prayers as they go forth for recognition by Archbishop John Lee (Coadjutor Archbishop John Wong) this afternoon (or next Sunday or [specify the day]..
Celebrant: Those who are to be recognized, come forward (please stand), together with your sponsors.
One by one, the catechumens are called by name. Each catechumen, accompanied by a godparent (or god parents), come forward and stands before the celebrant (stand where they are seated).
Celebrant: My dear friends, these candidates, already one with us by reason of their baptism in Christ, have asked to be able to participate fully in the sacramental life of the Catholic Church. Those who know them have judged them to be sincere in their desire. During the period of their catechetical formation they have listened to the word of Christ and endeavored to follow his commands more perfectly; they have shared the company of their Christian brothers and sisters in this community and joined with them in prayer.
And so I announce to all of you here that our community supports these candidates in their desire. Therefore, I asked their sponsor to state their opinion once again, so that all of you may hear.
As God is your witness, do you consider these candidates ready to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church?
Sponsor: We do.
Celebrant: And now, my dear friends, I address you. Your own sponsors (and this entire community) have spoken in your favor. The Church, in the name of Christ, accepts their testimony and sends you to Archbishop John Lee (Coadjutor Archbishop John Wong) who will exhort you to live in deeper conformity to the life of Christ.
Then the community prays for the catechumens and candidates by use of the following or a similar formulary.
Celebrant: My brothers and sisters, we look forward to celebrating at Easter the life-giving mysteries of our Lord’s suffering, death and resurrection. As we journey together to the Easter sacraments, these catechumens and candidates will look to us for an example of Christian renewal. Let us pray to the Lord for them and for ourselves, that we may be renewed by one another’s efforts and together come to share the joys of Easter.
Minister: That these catechumens and candidates may be freed from selfishness and learn to put others first. We pray to the Lord:
R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
Minister: That their godparents and sponsor may be living exampels of the Gospel. We pray to the Lord:
R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
Minister: That their teachers may always convey to them the beauty of God’s word. We pray to the Lord:
R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
Minister: That these catechumens and candidates may share with others the joy they have found in their friendship with Jesus. We pray to the Lord:
R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
Minister: That that our community, during the (coming) Lenten season, may grow in charity and be constant in prayer. We pray to the Lord:
R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
After the intercessions, the celebrant, with hands out-stretched over the catechumens and candidates, say the following prayer.
Celebrant: Father of love and power, it is your will to establish everything in Christ and to draw us into his all-embracing love.
Guide these catechumens and candidates in the days and weeks ahead: strengthen them in their vocation, build them into the kingdom of your Son, and seal them with the Spirit of your promise.
We as this through Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.
If the eucharist is to be celebrated, the catechumens are normally dismissed at this point by use of option A or B; if the catechumens are to stay for the celebration of the eucharist, option C is used; if the eucharist is not to be celebrated, the entire assembly is dismissed by use of option D.
A. The celebrant dismiss the catechumens in these or similar words.
Celebrant: My dear friends, you are about to set out on the road that lead to the glory of Easter. Christ will be your way, your truth, and your life. In his name we send you forth from this community to celebrate with the bishop the Lord’s choice of you to be numbered among his elect. Until we meet again for the scrutinies, walk always in his peace.
Catechumens: Amen.
B. As an optional formulary for dismissing the catechumens, the celebrant may use these or similar words.
Celebrant: My dear friends, this community now sends you forth to reflect more deeply upon the word of God which you have shared with us today. Be assured of our loving support and prayers for you. We look forward to the day when you will share fully in the Lord’s Table.
C. If for serious reason the catechumens cannot leave (see no. 75.3) and must remain with the rest of the liturgical assembly, they, along with the candidates, are to be instructed that though they are present at the eucharist, they cannot take part in it as the Catholic faithful do. They may be reminded of this by the celebrant in these or similar words.
Celebrant: Although you cannot yet participate fully in the Lord’s eucharist, stay with us as a sign of our hope that all God’s children will eat and drink with the Lord and work with his Spirit to re-create the face of the earth.
All: Thanks be to God.
An appropriate song may conclude the celebration.
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